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Prickly Poppy;Argemone munita Silverpoint drawing © Donnett Vanek 2024

My artwork Prickly Poppy;Argemone munita, has been accepted into the American Society of Botanical Artists/Society of Illustrators 27th Annual International Exhibition. 

September 25,2024 -December 28,2024

Prickly Poppy;Argemone munita  Silverpoint drawing 12"x12"

I'm on a roll! 

Two of my works have been accepted into the ASBA Curious Allies:Mutualism In Fungi,Parasites,And Carnivores;The Fifth New York Botanical Garden Triennial. May 18, 2024 - Traveling into 2026. 


The two works accepted into the exhibition are: Darlingtonia californica; Cobra Lily - Graphite on paper, 14"x10" and Sarcodes sanguinea; Snow Plant Drybrush watercolor and graphite on paper, 20"x14".

ASBA Curious Allies

Darlingtonia californica graphite drawing © Donnett Vanek 2024

Sarcodes sanguinea;Snow Plant 

Dry-brush watercolor and graphite 


Sarcodes sanguinea -drybrush watercolor

Darlingtonia californica ; Cobra Lily

Graphite drawing 14"x10"

More good news! My graphite drawing,Elegant Clarkia,Clarkia unguiculata, has been accepted into the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation's 17th International Exhibition of Botanical Art & Illustration. The exhibition is in September 17,2024 - December 17,2024. Opening reception October 17,2024.


Honored to announce that this artwork,Elegant Clarkia, has been accepted into the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation's permanent collection.


Elegant Clarkia; Clarkia unguiculata graphite drawing. ©Donnett Vanek

Elegant Clarkia;Clarkia unguiclata Graphite on hot pressed watercolor paper. 12" x 16"

I am happy to announce that my rendering of a Peritoma arborea; Bladderpod, has been selected for the  American Society of Botanical Artists/Marin Art & Garden Center 26th Annual International Exhibition. 48 artists were chosen out of 150 international artists. I am honored to be included in an exhibition with these talented artists.


The exhibition will open on September 17 and run through November 23,2023 at the Marin Art & Garden Center, 30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Ross, CA 94957.  


Peritoma arborea ©Donnett Vanek

Peritoma arborea;Bladderpod Drybrush watercolor and graphite18"x24"

Links to Blogs

Observations of aWild Iris missouriensis meadow

In Search of Wildflowers

Iris Are blooming

In January 2021 I was asked to write an article for the Wildflower Watch section of The Botanical Artist ; Journal of the American Society of Botanical Artists. It was an honor to contribute to this highly regarded journal.

Reproduced with permission from the American Society of Botanical Artists. Article originally appeared in The Botanical Artist, June 2021(c)ASBA

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